A downloadable Fonts

I was unable to find any bitmap fonts I could use with PhaserJS, so I compiled a few basic ones.  

There are multiple fonts, each with a PNG and corresponding XML file.

The letter-spacing has been adjusted for variable widths.

These are CC0 / Public Domain. Enjoy!

Round 6x6

Square 6x6

Minogram 6x10 

(Based on Monogram)

Thick 8x8

Partially based on the Commodore 64 font.

Example Usage in PhaserJS

NOTE:  The base font size is 10.  Keep your font size in increments of 10, or the output will look garbled.

Load it:

preload() {
    let file = 'minogram_6x10';
    this.load.bitmapFont('pixelfont', 'fonts/' + file + '.png', 'fonts/' + file + '.xml');

Then use it:

create() {     
    this.add.bitmapText(20, 20, 'pixelfont', "Hello World!", 10); 

Want Monospace?

Replace all of the xadvance parameters in the XML to the width of the font. 


Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Tagsbitmap, Fonts, phaser


pixel_fonts.zip 13 kB


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Absolutely incredible resource. All the files are padded evenly, the fonts are very nice, and I had no trouble working with these at all. Thank you :)

Thanks for taking the time to comment. Glad you like them.  =)

Can't get these to work in Godot. Do you have access to alternative source files for them?